
Sunday, July 31, 2011


Written in the fall of '06


If I told you the world was round and the sky blue,
you'd believe me?
Would you believe because I told you so or
because you saw it for yourself?

What if what we see is nothing
but a lie?
What if all we've been told
is someone's belief on reality?

Can they really prove it,
or is it all lies?

Is everything we hold dear
a creation of our own imaginations,
or are we actually part of some
grand design, some great plan?

Even if we do exist,
do we truly act as we really are?
Do we show ourselves
or do we lie?

Now knowing any of these answers,
I leave you with your own.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Heart's Thoughts

Written in the fall of '05. This is about a guy from my creative writing class. Nothing ever came from it as I started dating my main high school boyfriend so afterwards. Funny enough, they were both football players...a type of guy I had never thought I'd be interested in.

I'm watching you from across the room
silently giggling to myself
for being so shy.

What's wrong with me,
why am I beating so?

Your eyes taking me in
hopefully in the way I want.
I long to be in your arms
empty inside when I'm not near you.

But who am I kidding?
I don't even exist to you.

I am yours for the taking
and if you do please,
all I ask, is not to break me.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


You walk like the sunlight 
on the sea,
You journey through a quiet
Your thoughts are among 
the wise,
though you are without 
a care.
I see your face shining
down on me,
and I smile.

You never show your fear.
You always take the
hard road.
You don't like the easy,
only the tough.
You can make a bird fly
with all your gifts.
All trust you because of
the love you show.
Hopefully we can all be
more like you.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lost in the Woods of High Roads and Low Roads

I believe this was written in 6th grade, spring of '01. The middle school had every student from each grade write a poem that got entered into a poetry booklet. This was mine. Not one of my best of course, but it does speak to my mindset at the time.

"Lost in the Woods of High Roads and Low Roads"

I take high roads,
you take low roads.
Why are we different?
Are we special,
no we're average.
High roads lead to low roads,
low roads lead to high roads.
The middle is where we are stuck,
stuck in an everlasting space
where no one can help us.
We are lost,
forever in this dangerous place.
Is there an exit?
It is close
but yet so far away.
We are trapped.
Lost in the high roads and
low roads, forever.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fear Not, I Have Not Forgotten Thee!

A side note here. I haven't been feeling very creative, not as far as this blog goes. It is unfortunate, but I never promised that it wouldn't happen. I'm going to try to be more consistent when it comes to posting here, at least once a week. I do have enough material to make it through at least a full year of once a week posting so I have no excuses for not doing such this far. Hmmm, I should have a whole semester worth of poetry on this laptop. But then again, I have changed laptops twice since. It's likely buried amid who knows how many files, if I even kept them. I do however have hard copies. I'll just have to find them. In the mean time, I'll use some of my older works...

"No Freedom"

I want to be as free as a bird
Instead in a cage that I cannot break.
I hate where I am
I want to go home
To fly free with ones like me
Need my freedom to survive.
They're changing me to image themselves.
I hate what they've done, will do
But I can't break free
Too many chains hold me tight
A cage with only room to breathe.
Need to fight, must win this war
If I don't make it, I'll be gone.
No friends to save me this time
Stuck in this prison
No freedom in sight.